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You data are managed inside the Company with maximum respect of the privacy laws. They are used exclusively to manage your orders or, with explicit authorization, to contact you for special deals, promotions, or contests related to Parasport Italia website.

According to Italian Law 31.12.1996 n. 675 (Law on Privacy Protection) Parasport Italia informs that: the Customer takes note that personal information transmitted and/or exchanged, even during pre-contractual phases, will be subject of treatment according to, in consequence of, and with the purpose as of the following:

Art. 12, paragraph 1, letters b), c), d), and f) of Italian Law nr. 675/96 and subsequent modifications and integrations. Furthermore, it is understood that the customer explicitly agrees on transfer of personal information according to and in consequence of: Art. 28, paragraph 4, letter a) of Italian Law nr. 675/96 and, however, to their communication and diffusion of the same according to and in consequence of: Art. 20, paragraph 1, letter a) of the cited law. Treatment of personal information has the unique purpose to carry out in an adequate manner our own commercial activity. Information will be treated with both electronic systems and paper. Information can be provided to third parties (Banks, Companies linked to us) exclusively for the development of the commercial relationship with the customer.